Happy New Year! Again, I participated in a virtual studio through the National Gallery of Art which focused on one of its collection called, "Hope is: Wanting to Pull Clouds", by Sigmore Polke.
The assignment was to reflect on this artwork through a series of prompts.
With any art, you may think about:
- What do I see?
- What emotion or feeling did I feel from and through the art and why?
- How does what I see and feel lead me toward a connection between the work of art and myself and/or my life?
"Hope is: Wanting to Pull Clouds", by Sigmore Polke |
The final prompt in the assignment stated: Give voice to something specific in the painting. What is its wish or hope for you in the new year?
The object I selected was the boat that is sailing in the middle of the horizon.
I hope this year is smooth sailing, with as little of rough seas as possible. What ever comes my way I can handle with grace, wisdom, strength and faith. The Almighty will continuously look over me and provide guidance and comfort. ~ JM